He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 9 - 13

  How wonderful it was to see everyone this week.  I've enjoyed having all my friends back together!  January will be an exciting month.   We are participating in a cultural study of Spain.  On Friday, we took a "plane ride" to kick off our study.  We had our suitcases packed, our tickets taken up, and our passports stamped!  The Kindergarten classes will be focusing on Spanish holidays.  We will be working with some of Mrs. Miller's Art students to create and present our study to other grades.  
Here is a peek at next week:

Language Arts Skills:
-High Frequency Word: have
-Language/Writing Skills: using position words
-Phonics Focus: /z/; words with short vowels
-Comprehension skill focus: summarizing and personal connections

-Sentence writing using the headline, midline, and baseline
-Spacing between words

Math: Fractions and Measurement
-Equal parts
-Problem solving
-Ordinal numbers to the tenth

Social Studies:  Spanish Culture Study

-Samson, God's Strong Man
-Judges !3-16
-Character trait - Humility