Wow! What a great week we had. Upper School Art students lead the Kindergarten students in creating tissue paper flowers to resemble flowers in Spain. We look forward to displaying them as we work on our cultural study. Here is a look at the week ahead.
Language Arts Skills:
- High Frequency Words: review all words
- Language/Writing: opposites, making lists
- Phonics Focus:
-letter /x/
-words with short i and short o
-blending with digraphs (ch, sh, th) and blends (st, bl, cr)
- Comprehension skill: predictions
- sizing & spacing
- letter review and formation
Math - Fractions and Measuraments:
-ordinals numbers to the tenth
- measuring length
-measuring circumference
Social Studies/Science - Spanish Culture Study
-Working with Upper School Art students to create an authentic Spanish patio.
Bible - King Solomon:
- Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-5
- Memory: "Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city." Proverbs 16:32
Looking forward to a fantastic week!