He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 7 - 17

It is hard to believe the end of the year is here!  How quickly May has arrived!  Know how much I love your children and how thankful I am for the time we have had together. I never like to give up a class and watch them go to First Grade.  I must remind you that once I've had a class, they are mine forever!  I know how much this group has grown and I feel confident that they are ready for the next level!  I look forward to our last few weeks together.  Thank you for sharing your little treasures with me!

You will notice that we will spend most of our time reviewing, practicing, and using the skills we have learned throughout the year. Remember that I will send some summer practice activities next week.

Language Arts:
  • No spelling list this week!
  • r controlled vowels (ar, or), phonics review
  • Story structure, challenge book sharing (Please try to send classroom books back to school by Friday.)
  • Complete graphing study
  • Review addition, subtraction, patterns, money, and place value
Social Science
  • Mother's Day
  • Growing Things
  • "Paul -- The First Missionary," Ref. Acts 4:1-22
  • "Paul Spreads the Gospel," Ref. Acts 4:8-18

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30 - May 4

It is amazing to realize that May is here.  Our class is learning and growing in so many ways.  As problems arise, we are using the Bible as a guide to solving them.  I am encouraging each child to think for himself and then make wise choices.  This group is growing and maturing, right before my eyes!
A peek at the week:
Phonics focus: long vowel u
Comprehension: Story Structure (setting, characters, problem solving)
Spelling: clue, blue, cue, due, glue, hue, done, bear

Graphing: interpreting, comparing, reporting

Bible - Jesus Begins His Church
Scripture Reference: Acts 3:1-26
Target Truth:  God wants us to learn how wrong sin is and how much it hurts us.

May 8th - Field trip to Handey's Greenhouse (8:15 - 10:00 a.m.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd - 27th

Long vowel practice continued; Fluency practice (automatic recognition of words)
Spelling (oa vowel team) boat, goat, coat, moat, load, toad, want, now; Bonus; throat
Comprehension: Sequence, retelling a story

Addition practice : adding with doubles
Subtraction problems
Mental Math: adding or subtracting 1 or 2
Counting tens and ones

Social Studies/Science
How a seed grows

The House on the Rock
Scripture Text: Matt. 7:24-27
Target Truth - We need to build our lives on the rock, Jesus.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16th - 20th

A look ahead:                                                                                                                                                 -We have one more field trip! We would love to have the dads join us on this trip as we will be doing something special for mom!  On May 8th, we will go to Handey's Greenhouse. We will leave the school at 8:15 a.m. and return by 10 a.m.  Please let me know if you can attend!
-Midterm reports will be sent home this week.
-Chicken biscuits and a drink will be sold for the next two Friday mornings (20th & 27th).  Bring $3.00 to participate in this special breakfast.  All Proceeds benefit the March of Dimes.

Spelling: she, he, day, say, pray, may, stay, bay; Bonus: today (ay vowel team practice)
Phonics Focus: Continue vowel team practice (examples: ay, ai, oa, ie)
Vocabulary: Plant words
Continue reading "challenge books" nightly

Complete Calendar and Temperature unit
Number Order Practice
Addition/Subtraction Practice
Measurement Review

Social Studies/Science
Spring:  The Garden/Plants

The Good Shepherd
Scripture Text: Luke 10:25-37; John 10:1-42
Memory Verse: Psalm 100:5

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9 - 13

Phonics Focus: vowel teams where the first vowel says its name (examples: ea, ee, oa, ai),  blends 
Vocabulary: Question words (who, what, when, where, why)
Spelling: read, eat, feet, meet, what, of, thin, ring
The Calendar: Days of the Week, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,  Numbers on the a calendar
Number Order
Social Studies/Science
Spring:  The Garden/Plants
Jesus Lives Again!
Scripture Text: Matthew 28:1-10
Memory Verse: John 3:16

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

I want to wish you a very blessed and happy Easter.  The class and I have enjoyed reading about the Resurrection of Jesus through stories, Resurrection Eggs, and a special Jelly Bean  Prayer.  Please ask you child to share the story of Salvation with you, using their jelly beans!
Easter blessings to you and your family!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 19 - 23

March 19th - 23rd
We enjoyed our visit from Eric Lint, author of Pete, the Cat.  He read and sang to us! 
We had a rocking good time as when learned many little lessons about life.
We joined Mrs. Handey's class in writing and illustrating our own version of
Pete, the Cat.   Come see our wonderful display by the K4 room.

Remember our field trip to Lanark is Thursday. Science Fest is Friday and we will dismiss at 11:30. Then, we will enjoy a week off for Spring Break! Below is a peek at our week ahead!

  • Phonics Focus: Recognizing and reading long vowel words with silent "e"
  • Comprehension: Identifying fiction and non-fiction text
  • Vocabulary: Question words (who, what, when, where, why)
  • Spelling: you, with, mop, mope, kit, kite, tub, tube;  Bonus: they
Subtraction practice, Missing number practice, and time review

Social Studies

"Jesus Heals the Sick" from Mark 10:46-52
Memory verse: Psalm 100:4
Target Truth: Jesus did many miracles by making sick people well.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reading is fun!

Our sweet K5 students worked with the 7th grade Public Speaking class on persuasion.  The 7th grade helped teach the K5 about persuading people to read through advertising.  Here is the product of their hard work!  Sit back, click on the links below,  and enjoy! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 12th - 16th
We have had such a great time learning from  Mrs. Helms 7th grade 
Public Speaking class.  They talked to us about reading and then filmed the children
and their comments.  These "commercials" will be used to promote the benefits of reading at our school!
A few reminders:
-March 14 - Class Pictures will be taken
-March 15 - Report Cards go home
-March 16 - Library Event with Eric Litwin

Phonics Focus: recognizing and reading long vowel words with silent e
Comprehension:  Monitor/Clarify (stop and make sure that what you are reading makes sense)
Vocabulary: Question words - who, what, when, where
Spelling: and, he play, see, cap, at, ate, skate (bonus word)

Subtraction practice
Subtraction story problems
Mental Math (take away 1 or 2 from a number, counting backwards, etc.)

Social Studies/Science
Buggy Bugs!

Bible:  Zacchaeus and Nicodemus
Scripture Text:  Luke 19:1-10
Target Truth:  Jesus gives us a new heart attitude.  He helps us know how to act and how to treat others.
Memory Verse: Psalm 100:3a

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 5th - 9th

  We have had a wonderful week!  Our class visited the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts.  We learned about lines and shapes in art.  We also created our own works of art with pencils, oil pastels, and watercolors.  These are displayed outside of our classroom.  I am very impressed!  You will be, too!
  Mrs. Helms' 7th grade Public Speaking class has visited us.  They are helping our class create a special class movie.  Each child is reading a journal entry.  We  will be sharing this with you soon!
Here is a peek at next week: 


Phonics: Introduce long vowel words with silent e
Comprehension: Categorize and Classify
Vocabulary: Insect words
Spelling words: are, for, my she, big, quit, pig, kit
                Bonus: kite

Math - Subtraction
-Story Problems About Take Away and Comparing
-Using the Minus Sign
-Finding the Difference
-The Money Game

Social Studies
Insects  (BUGS)

Bible - Jesus And The Children
Scripture Text: Matthew 19:13-15
Memory Verse: "Let the little children come to Me." Mark 10:14
Target Truth:  God loves little children very much and has a special plan for each one.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 27th - March 2nd

        Dr. Seuss  

Oh, the places you'll go with Dr. Seuss' books!
"You're off to great places! 
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting. 
So ... get on your way!"

Next week, we salute Dr. Seuss and all of his wonderful books in honor of
Read Across America!

High Frequency Words: on, this, jump
Phonics Focus:  instant recognition of short vowel words
Phonic Awareness: syllables in words
Vocabulary/Writing: using rhyming words
Spelling Practice: a, is, here, said, can, plan, clap, nap

-Time: telling time to the hour/half hour
  *Students mastering this skill will receive a certificate on Friday*
-Money: counting groups of coins
-Addition: story problems, sums to 12, mental math

- Jesus Chooses His Helpers
-Target Truth: We can be disciples of Jesus as we learn to trust and obey Him.
-Scripture Text: Luke 5:1-11
-Memory Verse: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands!" Psalm 100:1

Reminder: Field trip to the museum Tuesday!  We will leave Trinity by 12:30!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20th - 24th

I hope each of you enjoyed the long weekend.  I took some time to review our class' work.  I am so proud of their reading, writing, and math skills.  I have noticed their increased self control over their words and actions.  Friendships have grown as they learn together and help each other.  It is amazing to look back to the start of this school year.  Time seems to fly and I realize that these little ones are growing up!   Thank you for all you do.  You are raising Godly children and it is a privilege to be a part of this at Trinity!
Here is a look at what lies ahead:
-High Frequency Words: want, was, know
-Informational Text Writing
-Phonics Focus: short vowel words, blends, digraphs

-Time: parts of a clock,  order of events, time to hour and half hour
-Money: counting groups of coins (add-on counting) - dimes & pennies, nickels & pennies,  quarter & pennies
-Addition practice
- Mental math: adding 1, 2, or 3 to a number

Bible - Jonah and the Great Fish
Target truth: God wants us to obey His Word
Scripture Text: Jonah 1 - 3

Social Studies: Dental Health

Upcoming Field Trips
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Feb. 28, 2012
Dep. Time- 12:30
Time of Return- 2:15

Lanark Wildlife Federation
March 22, 2012
Dep. Time- 11:20
Time of Return- 2:30
*limited to 5 parents*

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13 - 15

We had such a nice Valentine's party.  Thank you to all who helped.  We enjoyed working on special cards and a surprise  Valentine's video message for our 5th grade buddies.  We hope they have a great time at Space Camp next week.

On Monday and Tuesday, I will be at the school testing prospective students for K-5.  I will pop in to check on my class, when possible.  Mrs. Adams will be teaching for me.  I have left my lesson plans and a little surprise!

As we continue with our Money unit in Math, please allow your child to use a handful of change.  See if they can sort and identify the coins.  Encourage them to see how many different ways they can make a certain amount.  (How many ways can you make $0.15?)
Have them count by 5's, 10's, and 1's.  Addition can also be practiced using coins.  
If you have not heard our "Money" song, please ask your child to share it with you!  You will love it!

Here is a peek at next week!

Language Arts Skills:
High Frequency Words: practice and review all vocabulary.
Language/Writing Skills: rhyming words, singular/plural words
Phonics Focus: Instant recognition of short vowel words, blends, digraphs
Money: coin recognition, coin value, adding coins
Addition: practice with sums to 10
Social Science:
Valentine's Day/President's Day.
Sharing God's Love through word and deed
Scripture reference "A friend loves at all times..." Proverbs 17:17

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our Spanish Spotlight Day!
Jan. 30th - Feb. 3rd 
A Peek at the Week:

Language Art Skills:
New High Frequency Words: said, he, she, play
Language/Writing Skills:  rhyming words,  continued practice with quotation marks
Phonics Focus: /y/, words with short e and short o, digraphs (wh, ch, review sh, th),  blends
Comprehensive Skill: drawing conclusions

Math: Addition with sums to 10

Social Studies:  The Farm

Bible: Daniel and His Friends
Scripture reference: Daniel 1 and 3
Memory verse: "Do not be afraid" Deuteronomy 31:6

(Skills review and evaluations this week)
Dates to Remember:
Feb. 10th Our Valentine's Party (2:00)
We will have our party on Friday 10th instead of the 14th

Thursday, January 26, 2012

100th Day of School!

Wow!  What a super 100th Day Celebration we had!  Our rotation stations focused on the number 100!
We  read, measured, counted, added, mixed, colored, sorted, graphed, read, wrote, discussed, estimated, weighed, created, sang, cheered, and ate the number 100 !
Thanks to all for your support and help!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 23rd - 27th

 We have been enjoying our cultural study of Spain.  In the library, Mrs. Osmer taught the children about the "tooth mouse" that visits children in Spain.  Each child received one of their own! 
We also enjoyed a visit from Merritt's mother, Haden Payne.   She talked about the summer she spent in Spain.  She wore an authentic dance dress that was designed for her to perform in.  
 On Friday, we will be sharing about Christmas in Spain, displaying items that are used to celebrate, and singing a Christmas song in Spanish.  If possible, please allow your child to wear a Christmas outfit or red and green clothes. Several elementary classes will be visiting our room and the commons area.   We will also visit different classrooms to see 
their displays and learn more about the culture in Spain.
Also,  we will be celebrating the 100th Day of School this Wednesday with special rotation stations and a few special surprises!
Here is peek at next week:

Language Art Skills:
High Frequency Words: the, said
Language/Writing Skills: using naming words (nouns), quotation marks/speech bubbles
Phonics Focus: /w/; words with short i and short o, digraphs (sh, th), 
Comprehensive Skill: fantasy/realism
Handwriting:  correct grip, spacing between words

measuring length, measuring circumference, comparing weights, numbers to 100

Social Science: Spanish Cultural Study

Bible: "Elisha, the Prophet"
Scripture reference: 2 Kings 5:1-15
Memory:  "Even small children are known by their actions..."  Proverbs 20:11

We are looking forward to an awesome week!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan. 17 - 20

January 17 - 20, 2012
Wow!  What a great week we had.  Upper School Art students lead the Kindergarten students in creating tissue paper flowers to resemble flowers in Spain.  We look forward to displaying them as we work on our cultural study. Here is a look at the week ahead.

Language Arts Skills:
 High Frequency Words:  review all words
 - Language/Writing: opposites, making lists
 - Phonics Focus:
   -letter /x/
   -words with short i and short o 
   -blending with digraphs (ch, sh, th) and blends (st, bl, cr)
 - Comprehension skill: predictions

 - sizing & spacing
 - letter review and formation

Math - Fractions and Measuraments:
 -ordinals numbers to the tenth
 - measuring length
 -measuring circumference

Social Studies/Science - Spanish Culture Study
 -Working with Upper School Art students to create an authentic Spanish patio.

Bible - King Solomon:
 - Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-5
 - Memory: "Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city."  Proverbs 16:32

Looking forward to a fantastic week!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 9 - 13

  How wonderful it was to see everyone this week.  I've enjoyed having all my friends back together!  January will be an exciting month.   We are participating in a cultural study of Spain.  On Friday, we took a "plane ride" to kick off our study.  We had our suitcases packed, our tickets taken up, and our passports stamped!  The Kindergarten classes will be focusing on Spanish holidays.  We will be working with some of Mrs. Miller's Art students to create and present our study to other grades.  
Here is a peek at next week:

Language Arts Skills:
-High Frequency Word: have
-Language/Writing Skills: using position words
-Phonics Focus: /z/; words with short vowels
-Comprehension skill focus: summarizing and personal connections

-Sentence writing using the headline, midline, and baseline
-Spacing between words

Math: Fractions and Measurement
-Equal parts
-Problem solving
-Ordinal numbers to the tenth

Social Studies:  Spanish Culture Study

-Samson, God's Strong Man
-Judges !3-16
-Character trait - Humility