He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Tuesday, October 18th -- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip--Parents are welcome. Student cost was included in the Activity Fee, however, there is a $5 fee for adults who attend.
October 17 - 21, Homecoming week! Click here for a list of all the exciting events that week!
Friday, October 21st is a half day and will dismiss after the Homecoming Parade!
Friday, October 28th is Parent Conference Day -- look for details coming soon!
Next week students will receive their first report card. Please see the tab above labeled "Report Card Skills." Clicking on that tab will take you to a page that lists all of the skills that are assessed this grading period. In addition to the skills listed below, we will also review previously taught skills and assess for mastery of skills taught this nine weeks.