He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Can you believe that we have completed the first quarter of school? Report cards will go
home Thursday! Parent conferences are coming up at the end of the month. Look for an e-mail with that schedule this week. Don't forget all of the exciting things we have next week with Homecoming and our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Below you will see a list of our skills for this week and reminders of upcoming events. Have a great week!
This week's skills focus:
Language Arts:
High Frequency Words: a, to, I, like, my, see
Language/Writing Skills: building sentences, action words
Phonics focus: /c/(Alphafriend: Callie Cat), word families with short a (at, an), blending sounds to decode words
Comprehensions Skills: cause and effect, text organization
Math - Complete Topic 5: Six to Ten; Begin Topic 6: Comparing Numbers
Ordering numbers on a number line
Comparing numbers 1-10
Handwriting Focus : Letter formation, Writing names using the headline, midline, and baseline
Social Studies: Communities, Families, and Friends
Bible: Joseph and His New Coat (Genesis 37:1-36); Target Truth: Thankfulness; Target verse -- Ephesians 5:20a "always giving thanks to God the Father for everything"
Important Dates:
Thursday, October 13th -- Report Cards go home
Tuesday, October 18th -- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip--Parents are welcome. Student cost was included in the Activity Fee, however, there is a $5 fee for adults who attend.
October 17 - 21, Homecoming week! Click here for a list of all the exciting events that week!
Friday, October 21st is a half day and will dismiss after the Homecoming Parade!
Friday, October 28th is Parent Conference Day -- look for the schedule in your "inbox" this week!