Go Home Readers (Book-in-a-Bag)
By Friday of each week, your child brings home a zip lock bag with a reader and the skills we have worked on during small group time. This is a wonderful time that allows me to listen to each child read. I hope you will enjoy this time with your child as well. Reading is an adventure that can take you to many different places. If your child struggles with a reader, please encourage them to sound out the word and then use picture clues. If they read the story easily read, help them come up with alternate endings and ideas that would extend the story.
Ideas for you and your child to discuss:
*problems or story conflicts
*sequence of events
*favorite part
Thank you for all you do. This is truly a team effort and I love being a part of your child's team!
By Friday of each week, your child brings home a zip lock bag with a reader and the skills we have worked on during small group time. This is a wonderful time that allows me to listen to each child read. I hope you will enjoy this time with your child as well. Reading is an adventure that can take you to many different places. If your child struggles with a reader, please encourage them to sound out the word and then use picture clues. If they read the story easily read, help them come up with alternate endings and ideas that would extend the story.
Ideas for you and your child to discuss:
*problems or story conflicts
*sequence of events
*favorite part
Thank you for all you do. This is truly a team effort and I love being a part of your child's team!--