He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Saturday, February 5, 2011

feb. 7th - 11th

Feb. 7th - 11th
Early Morning
-Academic tubs
-Morning Message

-short "o" words - reading, writing, blending, building
-ot word family
-New vocabulary - said
-Phonic readers - Dot Got A Big Pot
-Leveled readers - These will be sent home in a bag on Friday. Please read and return
by Weds.
-Journal Writing
-Rotation Stations

Math- Subtraction
-Vocabulary - left, separate, take away, minus sign (-), subtract
-Smartboard Activities - Interactive math story and subtraction practice
-Story problems using manipulatives
-Subtraction sentences
-Comparing stories

-Jesus and the Children - Mark 10:14
-Character Trait - Courtesy
-My Happy Heart by Melody Carlson

Lunch Bunch
-Smartboard activities for subtraction and phonetic reading
-Valentine's stories and art
-Science Lab/P.E.