He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb. 28 - March 4
Early Morning
*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Morning Announcements

* Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letter - Ww sound and recognition
*Vocabulary review
*New vocabulary - play
*Action words (verbs)
*Short e - sounds, blends, word families
*Farm Animal Speech Bubbles
*Phonemic Reader: "Get Set! Play!"

*The Good Shepherd
*Luke 10:25-37, John 10:1-42
*Vocabulary: Samaritan, Levite
*Target Truths: Jesus takes care of his sheep
We need to take care of one another
Lunch Bunch
*Smartboard Activities
*Counting, reading, writing larger numbers (11 - 20)
*Blending and segmenting phonemes
*CVC word writing
*Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

Our numbers are growing each day as the children bring their pillow pets and dolls. We understand their attachment to these "special friends". As we prepare for First Grade, we ask that these "friends" stay at home following Spring Break. Thank you for our cooperation and support. We appreciate each of you and love your children.
Go Home Readers (Book-in-a-Bag)
By Friday of each week, your child brings home a zip lock bag with a reader and the skills we have worked on during small group time. This is a wonderful time that allows me to listen to each child read. I hope you will enjoy this time with your child as well. Reading is an adventure that can take you to many different places. If your child struggles with a reader, please encourage them to sound out the word and then use picture clues. If they read the story easily read, help them come up with alternate endings and ideas that would extend the story.
Ideas for you and your child to discuss:
*problems or story conflicts
*sequence of events
*favorite part
Thank you for all you do. This is truly a team effort and I love being a part of your child's team!
By Friday of each week, your child brings home a zip lock bag with a reader and the skills we have worked on during small group time. This is a wonderful time that allows me to listen to each child read. I hope you will enjoy this time with your child as well. Reading is an adventure that can take you to many different places. If your child struggles with a reader, please encourage them to sound out the word and then use picture clues. If they read the story easily read, help them come up with alternate endings and ideas that would extend the story.
Ideas for you and your child to discuss:
*problems or story conflicts
*sequence of events
*favorite part
Thank you for all you do. This is truly a team effort and I love being a part of your child's team!--

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feb 21 - 25
Spring has sprung (for now any way) and we love it. We are beginning our unit "Down on the Farm". This weeks rotation stations will be full of Farm learning fun as we review our word families, create speech bubbles, practice handwriting and "moo"ve into creative writing about our farm animals. We will begin our math unit on larger numbers and tackle those "teen numbers" with exciting smartboard activities, manipulative fun, tens and ones activities and mystery numbers. We will conclude our week with the story of the "Two Cool Cows" and make purple cows. Get ready for some FABULOUS FARM FUN!!!
EARLY MORNING*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements

*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Vocabulary review (here, is, said, the, to, go, for, an, a)
*Reading and Writing Sentences using High Frequency Words
*Singular and Plural naming words
*Ot, ox word families (short o sound)
*Speech Balloons with animal sounds
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “A Pot For Dan Cat”
*Larger Numbers
*Counting, Reading and Writing Numbers 11 - 20
*Patterns: Odd and Even
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities

Bible*Mark 10: 46 - 52
*Jesus Heals The Sick
*Vocabulary: Miracles, Mercy
*Target Truths: Jesus Healed
Call on the Lord for Healing

LUNCHBUNCH*Smartboard Activities
-Counting, Reading, Writing larger numbers
-CVC-word writing
-Tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

Friday, February 11, 2011

Feb. 14th - 18th

This week in kindergarten...
*Academic tubs
*Phonemic Awareness Activities
*Devotional Story
*Morning Announcements

*Blending and Segmenting Phonemes
*Letters-Review beginning and ending sounds
*Vocabulary review (here, is, said)
*New word: the
*Reading and Writing Sentences using High Frequency Words
*Exact naming words
*Ot, ox word families (short o sound)
*Phonemic Awareness Story: “The Big, Big, Box”
*Comprehension and Predicting Outcomes

*Subtraction Sentences
*Subtraction Story Problems
*Comparing Quantities
*Smartboard lessons
*Hands on activities

Zaccheus and Nicodemus

*Smartboard Activities
-subtraction and addition review
-blending and segmenting phonemes
-CVC-word writing
-tumblebooks read alongs
*P.E./Science Lab

Saturday, February 5, 2011

feb. 7th - 11th

Feb. 7th - 11th
Early Morning
-Academic tubs
-Morning Message

-short "o" words - reading, writing, blending, building
-ot word family
-New vocabulary - said
-Phonic readers - Dot Got A Big Pot
-Leveled readers - These will be sent home in a bag on Friday. Please read and return
by Weds.
-Journal Writing
-Rotation Stations

Math- Subtraction
-Vocabulary - left, separate, take away, minus sign (-), subtract
-Smartboard Activities - Interactive math story and subtraction practice
-Story problems using manipulatives
-Subtraction sentences
-Comparing stories

-Jesus and the Children - Mark 10:14
-Character Trait - Courtesy
-My Happy Heart by Melody Carlson

Lunch Bunch
-Smartboard activities for subtraction and phonetic reading
-Valentine's stories and art
-Science Lab/P.E.