He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, December 30, 2011

December 30th

Dear Girls and Boys,
  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  I enjoyed the holidays with Mr. Gary, Wilson, and Mason.  I have missed you very much and cannot wait to give you a big hug.  I want to hear about the special fun you have had!
  Thank you so much for the cards, gifts, and the Teacher Christmas Fund Surprise.  I have enjoyed using everything.  You made me feel so special.
  I am planning many fun, learning activities for January.  You are going to love our Rotation Stations in Reading and Math.
  Also, Scruffy has a surprise for you!  It is his little secret so I cannot tell you what it is!
  Enjoy the rest of the holidays and celebrate the New Year!  Blessings to your family.  I love each of you very much!
Mrs. Hallford

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dec. 5th - 9th

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 10:42 AM PST

Tis the season....
The next two weeks will be full of Christmas fun as we focus on the birth of our Savior!  What a joy it is every day to watch as your children prepare to present their "heart gift" for Jesus.  The excitement is in the air and they are truly a precious example of how "Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your heart".
We will be centering our reading and math activities around "things that remind us of Christmas" and the incredible Christmas literature that we all love. 

*Manger-"The Stable Where Jesus Was Born"
-describing words
-high frequency words-go, here, is, to, it, see, like, my, and
-Journal writing-I can go here to see Jesus.
-Who was at the manger?

*Reindeer Fun-"Olive the Other Reindeer"
-Making Reindeer Sandwiches
-Reader-"Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See?
-Reindeer Art-Using shapes
-Reindeer Math

*Candy Cane-"The Legend of the Candy Cane"
-patterning with candy canes-candy cane ornaments and painting candy canes

*Christmas Tree-" The Tale of Three Trees
-ordinal numbers-Journal Writing
-sight word review

*Angels-"Alabaster's Song"
-summarizing, comprehension,
-angel math-counting by twos-problem solving
-angel art

*Stars-"The Christmas Star"
-countdown paper chain
-counting by 10's

Language Arts Skills:
    • New High Frequency Word: for
    • Language/Writing Skills: using opposites
    •  words with short i and short a
    • Comprehension skill focus: Text Organization and summarizing
Handwriting Skills: Dd, Mm, Nn, review
Math: Larger Numbers (1 - 50): Look for a pattern, Sequence, Identify, Write, and Count

I am looking forward to seeing you Friday!  You are in for a special blessing!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 5th - 9th

Wow! What a great week we had.  I am so proud of the class for learning and working so hard on their partsin the play.  During our Bible time, we have discussed how this play is ourgift to Jesus.  It is His birthday. We will continue to have fun learning the meaning behind many of our traditions and how they tie into Christ's birth.  We look forward to sharing the Christmas play and the things we learn with you!

Language Arts Skills:New High Frequency Word: for Language/Writing Skills: using opposites Phonics Focus: /d/; words with short i and short a Comprehension skill focus: Text Organization and summarizing Handwriting Skills: Handwriting evaluation: formation (top to bottom), "expert                          grip", correct placement using headline, midline, and baselineMath: Larger Numbers (1 - 50): Look for a pattern, Sequence, Identify, Write,           and Count              Number word review: zero - five
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice and PerformanceBible:  The Reason for the Season
Important dates:
Dec. 7th & 8th, 9:00, a.m. - Christmas Play for LS and MS/LS
Dec. 9th, 9:00a.m. - Christmas Play for Parents
Dec. 12th, 12:00 noon - Field Trip to Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nov. 28 - Dec.3

                        Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving week.  Know how thankful I am for you and your child. I am blessed each day.  Your children are little rays of sunshine and love from God. Thank you for sharing them.
We have had a busy and exciting week. We’ve practiced for our upcoming Christmas Play, spent time with senior “giants,” met our new 5th grade buddies, attended chapel, and used the school’s new iTouch devices to practice skills.  Finally, on Friday the K4 students prepared our hearts for Thanksgiving by singing some great songs for us in the commons area. Thursday we thanked our SAGE dining staff for all the yummy ways they bless us each day. On top of all of that excitement, we were able to praise God for keeping us all safe from the tornadoes on Wednesday. 
This time of year is busy schedule-wise, but for our students it is also busy academically! The students have learned so much over the last few months and I am thrilled to see the progress they have made. Below you will see a peek at our plans for when we return on Monday November 28th.
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: practice and review (look for flashcards to come home soon)
    • Language/Writing Skills: action and weather words
    • Phonics focus: /q/; blending words with “-it” and “qu”
    • Comprehension skill focus: Fantasy and Realism
Handwriting Skills: Qq, Rr, Hh, Jj
                        *spacing between words*  "one finger space"
Math: Odd and Even Numbers, Counting to 100, Counting Groups of 10, Patterns on a 100s Chart, Skip Counting by 2 and 5
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice (Please help your child practice over the holidays.)
 They are doing amazing job!  One of the best first week of practice than I can remember!

Bible - We will be focusing on Jesus, The Reason For The Season during the next three weeks.  What 
 a privilege it is to learn about and spend time reflecting on our Lord and Savior with each child!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 7th - 11th

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 08:17 AM PST

                             BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING
We are very excited to tell you about our class service project.  We will be participating in the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Ministry.  Since many of you already participate in this ministry through your church, our goal is to put together two boxes (one boy and one girl) as a class.  Please send an appropriate item for the boxes by Wednesday, November 16th. The packed boxes will be sent out Thursday, November 17th.  If you do not participate through your church and would like to put a box together as a family, please let me know and I will send you the box.  Thank you so much for your help with this very special project.  What a blessing to be Gods hands and feet!

This week behind the Red Door

Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I , like, my, see, and, go, is,
         *Blending short i words (-it word family)
*Building words with short i or short a
*Phonics Focus - Ll (Larry Lion)
*Describing Words
*Comprehension Skills:  categorize and classify
                                         concepts of print

*Comparing solid figures
*Flat surfaces of solid figures
*Making shapes from other shapes
*Same size, same shape

Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building

*Israel in the Desert  Exodus 15:23 - 16:36
*Target Truth - When we obey rules, we are also obeying God.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 31 - November 4th

       *I enjoyed meeting with so many of my class' parents on Friday.  It is a blessing to teach and spend time with your children.  I felt equally blessed to have spent time with you.   No wonder I have such a fantastic class!  Thank you for coming.  I enjoyed bragging about your children!
Here is a peek at next week!

Language Arts:
-High Frequency Words: go, is, vocabulary review
-Language/Writing Skills: describing words (adjectives)
-Phonics focus: /f/; short a words
-Comprehension skills: story structure

-Topic 7 - Geometry (shapes, comparing shape/size, symmetry, solid figures)

-Letters - UuSs
Enjoy using this website to let your children make their own handwriting sheets for free! Click on the "Try Now" button. Next, click on the blank paper on the right hand side. Then, you are ready to type your own practice sheet!
Social Studies/Science: Fall/Pumpkins

-Let  your light shine!
-Moses in Egypt
-Scripture Reference: Genesis 39 - 46
Target Truths:
- God sees and knows everything that happens to us.
- Even when bad things seem bad, God will make it work for good.

Dates to remember:
Veterans Day Holiday - Friday, November 11th
Thanksgiving Holidays - November 21st - 25th

Monday, October 24, 2011

October  24th - 28th 

Hope you enjoyed Homecoming as much as we did.  Thanks to all for your participation!

Language Arts:
*New Word - go 
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see, and,
         at word family, an word family
*Phonics Focus - Gg (Gertie Goose)
*Blending short a words
*Rhyming Words 
*Naming Words        
*Comprehension Skills - Story structure - beginning, middle, end

Math:*Continue with the following skills:
     *Comparing numbers through 10
     *Number words
*New Lesson
    *Making shapes from other shapes.

Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation (Gg, Jj, Qq)
*Sentence building

Bible :
*Moses and the Princess   Scripture: Exodus 1:1 - 2:15
*Target Truth - God is in charge,  He always does the right thing and        
                          takes care of us.

Dates to Remember:
*Parent Conferences - Friday, October 28th (Holiday for children)
*Veterans Day Holiday - Friday, November 11th
*Thanksgiving Holidays - November 21st -25th

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 17th - 21st

We are looking forward to an exciting week of Homecoming Activities.  We will have a lot of fun activities each day. Our class is looking forward to showing  our TPS Spirit!  Hope you can join in!
Along with Homecoming, we will be also continue with our units.  

Language Arts:

-New High Frequency Words: and, number words
-Language Writing Skill:  building sentences, describing words
-Phonics focus: /p/ with Alphafriend, Pippa Pig
                         blending short a words


-Comparing numbers through 10.
-Greater than, less than

Handwriting Focus: Letter formation using lines (headline, midline, baseline)

Social Studies:  Signs of Fall!

Bible: The life of Joseph
           Thankfulness -"always giving thanks to God the Father for everything" - Ephesians 5:20a
Have a fantastic Wildcat week!  I hope to see you Tuesday for the Pumpkin Patch trip as well as the parade and game on Friday!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 10th - 14th

Can you believe that we have completed the first quarter of school? Report cards will go
home Thursday! Parent conferences are coming up at the end of the month. Look for an e-mail with that schedule this week. Don't forget all of the exciting things we have next week with Homecoming and our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Below you will see a list of our skills for this week and reminders of upcoming events. Have a great week!

This week's skills focus:

Language Arts:
  • High Frequency Words: a, to, I, like, my, see
  • Language/Writing Skills: building sentences, action words
  • Phonics focus: /c/(Alphafriend: Callie Cat), word families with short a (at, an), blending sounds to decode words
  • Comprehensions Skills:  cause and effect, text organization

Math  - Complete Topic 5: Six to Ten; Begin Topic 6: Comparing Numbers
  • Ordering numbers on a number line
  • Graphing
  • Comparing numbers 1-10
Handwriting Focus : Letter formation, Writing names using the headline, midline, and baseline

Social Studies:  Communities, Families, and Friends
Bible:  Joseph and His New Coat (Genesis 37:1-36); Target Truth: Thankfulness; Target verse -- Ephesians 5:20a "always giving thanks to God the Father for everything"

Important Dates:
  • Thursday, October 13th -- Report Cards go home
  • Tuesday, October 18th -- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip--Parents are welcome. Student cost was included in the Activity Fee, however, there is a $5 fee for adults who attend.
  • October 17 - 21, Homecoming week! Click here for a list of all the exciting events that week!
  • Friday, October 21st is a half day and will dismiss after the Homecoming Parade!
  • Friday, October 28th is Parent Conference Day -- look for the schedule in your "inbox" this week!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Updates

October Updates:
  • Monday, October 10th -- Columbus Day, No school
  • Thursday, October 13th -- Report Cards go home
  • Tuesday, October 18th -- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip--Parents are welcome. Student cost was included in the Activity Fee, however, there is a $5 fee for adults who attend.
  • October 17 - 21, Homecoming week! Click here for a list of all the exciting events that week!
  • Friday, October 21st is a half day and will dismiss after the Homecoming Parade!
  • Friday, October 28th is Parent Conference Day -- look for details coming soon!
Next week students will receive their first report card. Please see the tab above labeled "Report Card Skills." Clicking on that tab will take you to a page that lists all of the skills that are assessed this grading period. In addition to the skills listed below, we will also review previously taught skills and assess for mastery of skills taught this nine weeks.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 3rd - 7th

Language Arts:
- High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see, -at word family
- Phonics Focus - /v/
                          - blending short a words              
-Comprehension Skills - cause and effect

-Numbers 6 - 10 - making, reading, writing, counting, number words
-Ordering numbers on a number line

Handwriting Skills:
-letter formation
-sentence building

Social Studies:
- Friends Help Friends

Bible :
-Jacob and Esau
-Target Truth - God made everyone different
-Examining our thumbprints

Upcoming Dates:
-Columbus Day Holiday - Monday, Oct. 10th
-Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch - Tuesday,
  Oct. 18th (There is no limit on chaperones, however, there is a $5 charge for each adult.  Student costs were included in the 
Activity Fee).  We welcome parents to join us!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

News from Behind the Red Door

September 26th - 20th

It is the beginning of Fall and we kicked things off in a great way this week.  Mrs. Watson's Environmental Science class visited and taught us a lesson about bones (hard on the outside, soft on the inside). The Seniors were wonderful with our Kindergarten class.  We look forward to learning more Science lessons with them.
Friday was the Fall Festival.  I hope you enjoyed the fun and fellowship! Did anyone hit my son, Mason,  with a sponge?

Take a peek at next week:

Language Arts:
-High Frequency Words: a, to
-Language/Writing Skills:  position words, building sentences, 
  word spacing
-Phonics focus: /Hh/, word families with short a (at, an)
-Comprehensions Skills:  text organization and summarizing

Math  - Topic 5:  Six to Ten
- Counting, Making, and Writing 6 -10
- Reading number words six - ten (review zero - five)

Handwriting Focus : Letter formation
 -Vocabulary - Headline, Midline, Baseline

Social Studies:  Friends Helping Friends

Bible:  Abraham and Isaac

Monday, September 19, 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic

Hope you enjoy the adventures of our bears!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 19th - 23rd

September 19 - 23


We had a great week!  I've enjoyed listening to the children read from their Book Bag.  I am so proud of the time spent reading at home. We are becoming more familiar with the MAC lab and are learning many Smart board activities.  During Spanish class, the children enjoyed a Fiesta as they learned more about the Spanish culture.
Of course, having the bear families visit our class was a highlight!  Each bear was introduced to our class and participated in sorting, graphing, and counting activities.  During Journal Writing, each child wrote about his/her bear and drew their picture!  They enjoyed stories and singing.  We also took them on a picnic with Bear Cookies that Buddy shared. 
"Beary" fun!!

Sept. 19th - 23rd
Language Art Skills:
 -High Frequency Words: I, my, see, like
 -Language/Writing Skills : *using order words to sequence       events (first, next, then, last)
                                              *comprehension strategies
                                              *drawing conclusions
-Handwriting Skills:  *letter review
                                   *checking the "expert"grip

Math:  Numeral 0 - 5
- More, Fewer, Same as
-1 or 2 more
-Problem solving - Make an organized list
-Review # words zero - five

Social Studies - My Family/My World

Bible - The Tower of Babel

The Fall Festival will be held Friday 23rd, 2:00 -3:00.