He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mrs. Hallford's Updates - August 22nd - 26th

Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see
    • Language/Writing Skills: Using exact words, using a capital letter to begin a sentence
    • Phonics focus: /m/
Handwriting Skills: Vertical line letters Ll, Ii, Tt
  *We are working on the "expert" grip.

Math: Position and Location (inside, outside, over, under, on, top, middle, bottom, before, after, left, and right)
Social Science: School Routines and Manners
Bible: God Cares for His Creation; verse focus: “All things were made by God.” John 1:3

  We had such a fantastic week.  What a delight it is to teach this class.  They continue to learn the rules and routines.  We are learning 
when to be in the "quiet zone" and when to talk or participate in a group discussion.  I am so proud of the nice manners and kind words that are being used to encourage each other.
  The children have worked well in large and small group activities.   They are participating in rotation stations during Reading. We are all  practicing self control and patience.
  Ask your child about our paintings!

A few reminders:
* Please send a light sweater or jacket for your child to keep at school
(label all personal items).
*Please review the blue folder daily. Keep all papers except the ones    labeled return.  Encourage your child to "help" by being responsible for the folder.  They love being helpful and independence is encouraged.
*Send blue folders and a healthy snack daily.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!