He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Parents,
  I want to welcome you to Trinity Presbyterian School Kindergarten.   What an
honor it is to share this year with you. I hope your child has received my letter with an
invitation to visit our classroom.  I am excited that we are able to schedule this.  It
will be a fun time to meet you.  I will do an informal one on one assessment with each
child.  This will help me get to know them better both academically and socially.  The
dates for the visits are July 27th and 28th.  Please email me at
whallford@trinitywildcats.com for verification or if the time scheduled
is not convenient for your family.  I will continue to do the assessments the first few
days of school if you are unable to attend.
*Ice Cream Social for New Families will be Tuesday, August 2nd.  Meet us at 7:00 in Willett Hall.  I look forward to seeing you.
*Open House and PTO night will be Monday, August 8th.  We will meet in our room (red door) at 5:15.  During this time, I will share with you a little more about our classroom and you will have an opportunity to sign up for special events throughout the year. 
*The first day of school is Wednesday, August 10th.  School will begin at 8:00 and dismiss at 11:30 so lunch will not be served.  However, Thursday will begin our regular full day schedule. 
*School Supply Boxes will be in the Kindergarten.  You do not need to pick them up.
     Please visit our classroom blog at http://www.reddoortrinity.blogspot.com.  Subscribe to the blog by typing your email address in the box on the top left of the blog so that you will receive an email notification each time the blog is updated. 
     God has placed us together to form a wonderful partnership.  I look forward to helping your precious child grow academically, socially and spiritually. 
 In Him,
Wendy Hallford