He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We had another fabulous week in Kindergarten. Thank you all so much for your prayers during Kindergarten Open House. It is always such a blessing for me to be able to share the exciting things that are happening at Trinity.
We are diving into the New Year with a strong focus on listening and following directions. We are beginning addition in math, journal writing using "best guess spelling" and continuing with our rotation stations and readers. Please look over daily papers for any areas that need to be reviewed.
In Bible, we will be talking about Jonah and the Whale . Jonah’s story teaches us about obedience, willingness of spirit, gratitude, compassion and God’s patience and mercy. We are reminded every day that PRAYER WORKS!! Our worries, cares and concerns can be so heavy but become so light when we give them to the Lord. Your little prayer warriors bless my heart every day!
Looking forward to the 100th day of school on Tuesday!!

This week in kindergarten...Theme: Winter
*Academic tubs
Phonemic Awareness Activities
Devotional Story
Morning Announcements

*Letters - Dd & Zz words and sentences
*Vocabulary review (here, to, and, go, see, it, a, I, is, like, my, for)
Journal Writing
*Reading and Writing Sentences using High Frequency Words
*Opposites - shared and interactive writing about signs, journal writing
*an, at, it, ig word families review
*Phonemic Awareness-Readers"- The Big Rig, Tan Van
*The Wheels on the Bus-Main Idea & Sequence of Events

*Review ordinal numbers
*Math Vocabulary-add, plus sign, equal sign, number story
*Interpreting illustrations that show joining groups and writing corresponding numbers
*Writing number sentences
*Smartboard Math
Jonah and the Whale

Winter Art
Smartboard reading and math activities
Science Lab

Depend On God,