He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 19 - 23

March 19th - 23rd
We enjoyed our visit from Eric Lint, author of Pete, the Cat.  He read and sang to us! 
We had a rocking good time as when learned many little lessons about life.
We joined Mrs. Handey's class in writing and illustrating our own version of
Pete, the Cat.   Come see our wonderful display by the K4 room.

Remember our field trip to Lanark is Thursday. Science Fest is Friday and we will dismiss at 11:30. Then, we will enjoy a week off for Spring Break! Below is a peek at our week ahead!

  • Phonics Focus: Recognizing and reading long vowel words with silent "e"
  • Comprehension: Identifying fiction and non-fiction text
  • Vocabulary: Question words (who, what, when, where, why)
  • Spelling: you, with, mop, mope, kit, kite, tub, tube;  Bonus: they
Subtraction practice, Missing number practice, and time review

Social Studies

"Jesus Heals the Sick" from Mark 10:46-52
Memory verse: Psalm 100:4
Target Truth: Jesus did many miracles by making sick people well.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reading is fun!

Our sweet K5 students worked with the 7th grade Public Speaking class on persuasion.  The 7th grade helped teach the K5 about persuading people to read through advertising.  Here is the product of their hard work!  Sit back, click on the links below,  and enjoy! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 12th - 16th
We have had such a great time learning from  Mrs. Helms 7th grade 
Public Speaking class.  They talked to us about reading and then filmed the children
and their comments.  These "commercials" will be used to promote the benefits of reading at our school!
A few reminders:
-March 14 - Class Pictures will be taken
-March 15 - Report Cards go home
-March 16 - Library Event with Eric Litwin

Phonics Focus: recognizing and reading long vowel words with silent e
Comprehension:  Monitor/Clarify (stop and make sure that what you are reading makes sense)
Vocabulary: Question words - who, what, when, where
Spelling: and, he play, see, cap, at, ate, skate (bonus word)

Subtraction practice
Subtraction story problems
Mental Math (take away 1 or 2 from a number, counting backwards, etc.)

Social Studies/Science
Buggy Bugs!

Bible:  Zacchaeus and Nicodemus
Scripture Text:  Luke 19:1-10
Target Truth:  Jesus gives us a new heart attitude.  He helps us know how to act and how to treat others.
Memory Verse: Psalm 100:3a

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 5th - 9th

  We have had a wonderful week!  Our class visited the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts.  We learned about lines and shapes in art.  We also created our own works of art with pencils, oil pastels, and watercolors.  These are displayed outside of our classroom.  I am very impressed!  You will be, too!
  Mrs. Helms' 7th grade Public Speaking class has visited us.  They are helping our class create a special class movie.  Each child is reading a journal entry.  We  will be sharing this with you soon!
Here is a peek at next week: 


Phonics: Introduce long vowel words with silent e
Comprehension: Categorize and Classify
Vocabulary: Insect words
Spelling words: are, for, my she, big, quit, pig, kit
                Bonus: kite

Math - Subtraction
-Story Problems About Take Away and Comparing
-Using the Minus Sign
-Finding the Difference
-The Money Game

Social Studies
Insects  (BUGS)

Bible - Jesus And The Children
Scripture Text: Matthew 19:13-15
Memory Verse: "Let the little children come to Me." Mark 10:14
Target Truth:  God loves little children very much and has a special plan for each one.