He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Friday, December 30, 2011

December 30th

Dear Girls and Boys,
  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  I enjoyed the holidays with Mr. Gary, Wilson, and Mason.  I have missed you very much and cannot wait to give you a big hug.  I want to hear about the special fun you have had!
  Thank you so much for the cards, gifts, and the Teacher Christmas Fund Surprise.  I have enjoyed using everything.  You made me feel so special.
  I am planning many fun, learning activities for January.  You are going to love our Rotation Stations in Reading and Math.
  Also, Scruffy has a surprise for you!  It is his little secret so I cannot tell you what it is!
  Enjoy the rest of the holidays and celebrate the New Year!  Blessings to your family.  I love each of you very much!
Mrs. Hallford

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dec. 5th - 9th

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 10:42 AM PST

Tis the season....
The next two weeks will be full of Christmas fun as we focus on the birth of our Savior!  What a joy it is every day to watch as your children prepare to present their "heart gift" for Jesus.  The excitement is in the air and they are truly a precious example of how "Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your heart".
We will be centering our reading and math activities around "things that remind us of Christmas" and the incredible Christmas literature that we all love. 

*Manger-"The Stable Where Jesus Was Born"
-describing words
-high frequency words-go, here, is, to, it, see, like, my, and
-Journal writing-I can go here to see Jesus.
-Who was at the manger?

*Reindeer Fun-"Olive the Other Reindeer"
-Making Reindeer Sandwiches
-Reader-"Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See?
-Reindeer Art-Using shapes
-Reindeer Math

*Candy Cane-"The Legend of the Candy Cane"
-patterning with candy canes-candy cane ornaments and painting candy canes

*Christmas Tree-" The Tale of Three Trees
-ordinal numbers-Journal Writing
-sight word review

*Angels-"Alabaster's Song"
-summarizing, comprehension,
-angel math-counting by twos-problem solving
-angel art

*Stars-"The Christmas Star"
-countdown paper chain
-counting by 10's

Language Arts Skills:
    • New High Frequency Word: for
    • Language/Writing Skills: using opposites
    •  words with short i and short a
    • Comprehension skill focus: Text Organization and summarizing
Handwriting Skills: Dd, Mm, Nn, review
Math: Larger Numbers (1 - 50): Look for a pattern, Sequence, Identify, Write, and Count

I am looking forward to seeing you Friday!  You are in for a special blessing!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 5th - 9th

Wow! What a great week we had.  I am so proud of the class for learning and working so hard on their partsin the play.  During our Bible time, we have discussed how this play is ourgift to Jesus.  It is His birthday. We will continue to have fun learning the meaning behind many of our traditions and how they tie into Christ's birth.  We look forward to sharing the Christmas play and the things we learn with you!

Language Arts Skills:New High Frequency Word: for Language/Writing Skills: using opposites Phonics Focus: /d/; words with short i and short a Comprehension skill focus: Text Organization and summarizing Handwriting Skills: Handwriting evaluation: formation (top to bottom), "expert                          grip", correct placement using headline, midline, and baselineMath: Larger Numbers (1 - 50): Look for a pattern, Sequence, Identify, Write,           and Count              Number word review: zero - five
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice and PerformanceBible:  The Reason for the Season
Important dates:
Dec. 7th & 8th, 9:00, a.m. - Christmas Play for LS and MS/LS
Dec. 9th, 9:00a.m. - Christmas Play for Parents
Dec. 12th, 12:00 noon - Field Trip to Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm